
Diário Liberdade
Quinta, 03 Mai 2018 16:11 Última modificação em Sábado, 05 Mai 2018 16:28

Boulos (Brazil): "When living in a house becomes a privilege, to occupy becomes a duty"

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País: Brasil / Reportagens / Fonte: Diário Liberdade

Guilherme Boulos, leader of brazilian Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto (MTST, Movement of the Homeless Workers) and PSOL's shortlisted Presidential candidate, posted a video at online social networks explaining why millions of families do not have a place to live in Brazil - and the reason why many of them take the decission of occupying dwellings.

The basis of housing at Brazil is not to serve population needs for housing, but rather he profits of the major building companies and speculation of estate agencies, Boulos said.

Building companies have a huge influence of urban policy making, as far as they finance big-million campaigns for most of the political parties, he added.

Additionally, millions of houses and huge extensions of land all through the country remain empty or without any use, so they do not accomplish their social mission - even though it enforced by the brazilian Constitution. "Occupation leads to the fullfillment of such a mission, he said.

More thant seven million houses remain vacant, and there are more than six million homeless families in Brazil. That means that it wold be just unnecessary to build new dwellings - but to expropiate and deliver empty properties.

"In one hand, you have many homeles people. In the other one, there are lots houses without inhabitants", he stated. "To occupy is not a choice, but a duty", Boulos concluded.

Boulos' message was launched three days before the tragedy on May 1st night, when a 24 storey building got burn and exploded at São Paulo's Paissandu street - causing at least one casuality. The building was vacant and it had been occupied along the last years by social movements defending the right to have a house. Eight close buildings are currently under occupation by homeless families.

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